How to Tie a Lead Rope and Rope Halter

Learn how to tie your horse safely with this free ebook, plus learn the correct way to tie a rope halter.

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Tie your horse's lead rope too high, and you're asking for trouble. Tie it too low, and your horse could end up in a big wreck. Tie an incorrect knot, and you won't be able to release it in an emergency.

A correctly tied lead rope is extremely important, whether you're tying your horse in a trailer, to a stall wall, to a picket line or to a fence. And the rope halter is a valuable tool, but it needs to be used correctly. A poorly tied rope halter can put your horse in danger, so it's worth your time to learn how to properly use it and keep your horse safe.

Get AQHA's FREE ebook: How to Tie a Lead Rope and Rope Halter.

In AQHA's How to Tie a Lead Rope and Rope Halter ebook, expert tack maker Dennis Moreland explains in simple terms how to tie a lead rope with the bowline knot, which you can untie easily in an emergency. Dennis shows you step-by-step how to create a bowline knot and how to keep your tied horse safe.

In this valuable ebook, Dennis also shows you how to tie a rope halter. His method ensures the rope halter becomes a safe and effective way to communicate with your horse.

Get How to Tie a Lead Rope and Rope Halter FREE today, and share it with your friends! Download it now, and you can even print it in full color.

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