Roping Basics | Free Guide of Fundamentals
Roping Basics
AQHA's Versatility Ranch Horse competition is attracting more and more people to the show ring. But for many of them, there's just one catch: the roping. One of the VRH classes is working ranch horse, in which riders are required to rope a cow or else lose points.
But AQHA Professional Horseman Patrick Hooks of Texhoma, Oklahoma, says that roping shouldn't be a deterrent to anyone - it doesn't take magic, just knowledge and lots of practice. You'll have to provide the desire and the practice time ... but Pat is offering to provide the knowledge, through the Roping Basics FREE ebook.
He'll start by introducing you to the terminology (what is a "spoke," anyway?) and the types of ropes that are available. (Does "60-foot 5/16-inch XXX soft nylon with a swivel honda" make sense to you? It will, after reading this ebook!)
With plenty of step-by-step photos, Pat shows you how to build a loop and swing a rope. And he even injects a little humor along the way, by quoting Will Rogers as saying that as someone was learning how to rope, there would be times he would call his rope anything but a rope.
"If you're just starting out, be patient," Pat says. "Roping will eventually become very rewarding and enjoyable as you progress. But know that some shots take years to learn. So please be patient with yourself as you learn the basics and about the many different shots that can be thrown. Recognize your accomplishments as you begin and realize there will be a building-block learning process."
Start that process now by downloading Pat's FREE ebook, Roping Basics.
Submit the form below to download the Roping Basics e-book.
January-February 2025
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