The Need for Speed: Barrel Racing and Pole Bending

Fine tune your barrel racing and pole bending patterns with training tips, exercises and drills from expert horsemen.

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Barrel racing and pole bending are timed events – the fastest horse and rider wins. More often than not, speed events come down to how well the horse handles the calm before the storm.

That's where The Need for Speed: Barrel Racing and Pole Bending FREE e-book comes in. 

How do you learn  to  be  a  great  barrel racer or pole bender  without  practicing  the  pattern  again and again, making it a dreaded chore for your horse? How do you train your horse calm until he's asked to run? 

The Need for Speed e-book explores:

  • Training your speed-event horse to remain calm until he's asked to run.
  • Learning to barrel race without burning out your horse.

The tips, drills and exercises in The Need for Speed previously appeared in The American Quarter Horse Journal, the leading magazine for American Quarter Horses, the breed of horse that dominates in barrel racing and pole bending

Submit the form below to download The Need for Speed e-book. 


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