Nutrena AQHA and Adequan Select World Championship Shows
Nutrena AQHA and Adequan Select World Championship Shows
2025 Nutrena AQHA and Adequan® Select World Championship Shows
Earn Qualifying Points
Earn the required number of qualifying points for the desired class during the 2025 AQHA World and Select World qualifying period, August 1, 2024, to July 31, 2025, and pay the standard entry fee. This qualifying achievement will be added to the horse’s permanent AQHA record.
View qualifying point requirements.
Participate in Four AQHA-Approved Events
Participate in four AQHA-approved events during the 2025 AQHA World and Select World qualifying period (August 1, 2024, to July 31, 2025) and pay the standard entry fee, regardless of the number of points earned. Participation credit is earned by horse on a class-by-class basis for the open division and by horse/exhibitor combination for both the amateur and Select amateur divisions. AQHA event is defined as all judge numbers for a particular show or circuit. For example, the Arizona Sun Circuit is considered one event, even though it includes eight sets of points. This qualifying method will not be added to the horse’s permanent AQHA record. Note: exhibitors and horses need only show to one judge or set of judges at an event to earn the participation requirement.
Qualify as an Affiliate (State/Provincial) Invitee
Qualify as an affiliate (state/provincial) invitee and pay the standard entry fee. For each affiliate, the top 5 amateur and Select exhibitors/horses, plus ties, in each Level 3 class which do not qualify nationally will receive an invitation to the respective world show class. This also includes the top 5, plus ties, in each Level 3 open class. To qualify through this option, at least one-half point must be earned in the respective class. This qualifying method will not be added to the horse’s permanent AQHA record.
Buy-In World Show Entry
If the requirements outlined above are not met, an American Quarter Horse can still be entered in the show for a higher entry fee. Open Level 3 classes will require a $7,500 nomination fee per class, while amateur and Select amateur Level 3 classes will require a $5,000 nomination fee per class. Open Level 2 classes will require a $5,000 nomination fee per class, while amateur and Select amateur Level 2 classes will require a $3,500 nomination fee per class. A portion of this buy-in fee will be retained by AQHA.
Level 1 Champion of Champions
Amateur and Select exhibitors at the 2025 AQHA East, West and Cattle Level 1 Championships earned invitations to the Level 1 Champion of Champions held during the 2025 Nutrena AQHA and Adequan® Select World Championship Shows in the seven core classes plus halter. The core classes are western pleasure, showmanship, western horsemanship, hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, trail and ranch riding.
Additional qualifying opportunities are available for Level 1-eligible halter exhibitors. If a horse/exhibitor combination did not show in their halter class at the 2025 AQHA East or West Level 1 Championships, they can also qualify by showing at 4 AQHA events or earning at least .5 point.
World Show Scrapbooks
Travel back in time and relive AQHA World Show memories decade by decade from The American Quarter Horse Journal.
Class Sponsors