Obituaries & Deaths of Horses

silhouette of broodmare at sunset (Credit: Journal)

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The American Quarter Horse Journal accepts submitted obituaries for horses and humans who were part of the American Quarter Horse industry. Obituaries must be 300 words or less. The Journal's editors reserve the right to edit for length and style. You may submit your obituaries to 

Stolis Winner
The 2008 World Champion laid to rest.
Lowell Neumayer
Longtime manager of Ruidoso Sale Company passed away November 24.
Bob Avila
The American Quarter Horse Hall of Famer passed away at age 72.
Charles Stojan
Alberta horseman passed away November 21.
Runaway Wave
Top broodmare passes away at the age of 29.
William Gordon "Buddy" Brown Jr.
The longtime breeder died in September.
Donald Charles Stemmans
Louisiana horseman passed away November 19.
Dr. Leonard Blach
Respected veterinarian passed away October 26.
Joe Dee Brooks
Champion owner, Texas horseman passed away on October 24.
$28 million sire dies at age 32.