Welcome to AQHA Racing

Dig in and let the dirt fly with the world's greatest racing horse, the American Quarter Horse.

Horseman Info

Find helpful resources, records and tips about racing American Quarter Horses.

Explore the world of American Quarter Horse racing by starting with these tools and resources.

Racing Challenge

Find information, schedules, forms, leaders lists and more about the Racing Challenge.

The Racing Challenge has been a source of quality racing for horses of all levels and abilities for the past 25 years. Learn more about this long-standing competition by exploring these links.

News and Blogs

Read the latest updates in Quarter Horse racing news.

Get the most out of your lifestyle by keeping up with the most recent news and blogs from AQHA Racing
October 04, 2024 | Racing Racing
The field is set for the October 26, $133,400 final.
October 04, 2024 | Racing Racing
October 04, 2024 | Racing Racing
October 03, 2024 | Racing Racing
October 03, 2024 | Racing Racing

Upcoming Events